every christian is A MINSTER
Team leaders and members are equipped and empowered to help live out our mission, vision, and core values with specific responsibilities framed by Vietnamese Alliance Church in Richmond. We have many ministries where our church serves, and we also provide ways people can have a part in serving others. Please contact us for more information.

Worship Ministry
We are a community of people who work toward improving our effectiveness at leading worship and as disciples of the Lord Jesus. We desire to reflect the likeness of Jesus through the personal worship, prayer, study, fellowship, words, and actions each day.
Pastoral Ministry
Encouraging and empowering church members by sharing the living Word, commitment to personal evangelism, sharing the good news of God’s grace to all people through Jesus Christ.

Education Ministry
The Christian Education Ministry is comprehensive, and multifaceted, inclusive of disciples of all ages. It offers opportunities for Bible study and spiritual growth through the identification and development of one's spiritual gifts, talents, and interests.

Children's Ministry
The children’s ministry helps those in our care to know God’s love and grow to become like His Son, Jesus Christ, and to fill children’s minds with the Word of God and establish in children habits of godly living ad a daily lifestyle.
Inter Evangelical Ministry
To glorify God by making and maturing disciples of Jesus Christ to empower ministries. We are messengers, having a mission and announcing the message. Sending out to transformation of the world with the gospel, empowered by the Holy Spirit, bringing hope and restoration to a hurting world.

Small Group Ministry
God has called us to reach out in Richmond city by providing caring structures for families, celebrating diversity in worship, forming small caring groups, helping each other, and growing knowledge of spiritual gifts.

Women's Ministry
The Women’s Group exists to Encourage women to know and follow Jesus Christ in their daily lives, equipping women to grow in relationship with Christ, with one another, and empowering women to serve and reach others for Christ locally and globally.

Christian Business Ministry
God blesses us every day. We are here to help each other to be great in business experience for the purpose of impacting people for eternity and all we do in and through the business honors Him.

Church Choirs
O come, let us sing unto the Lord! To exalt God by utilizing our musical gifts and talents to sing His praise and tell of His salvation, goodness, and love through songs. Our songs are pleasing to God and that they will touch the hearts and minds of all who hear, play, and sing them.
Men’s Ministry
The Men’s Group of Vietnamese Alliance Church in Richmond exists to develop Biblically-grounded men of faith who lead their families in worship and explore the Word of God, building positive relationships and reaching out to men in the community with the Gospel.

Student's Ministry
To engage students join to worship God and make a relationship with God and other; to equip them to grow in their faith in Jesus Christ; to enjoy and share God’s love.

Food Coordinator
Prepares and coordinates the preparation of main entrees or plans and prepares all food and drink when the church has scheduled events.

Visitation Group
Visitation Groups are a ministry based on knowing people matter to both God and to others. Visiting someone lets them know you care. Someone needing encouragement, comfort, or a sense of belonging would benefit from a visit.
Welcome Reception Team
The Bible advocates, “Offer hospitality to one another.” Welcome visitors by greeting, giving bulletins, directing guest to seats, or to a location in the building.

Church Building Plan
“We have plan in my heart to build the house for the name of the Lord my God.” We learn and practice making plans, designing projects, preparing finance project, calling for freewill offering, and creating a fundraising plan and do it!

Technology Team
Help those having technical issues watching the service or those who just can’t navigate the Online Campus page correctly. If you are technically inclined, this is the right serving role for you. The online community will be grateful for your time.
Evangelical Outreach Group
We exist to glorify God by developing and maturing disciples of Jesus Christ. Every Christian can learn how to effectively share their faith with others without fear. Christians can share willing, even if it isn’t popular to do.

Maintenance Property Team
To maintain a clean positive environment for Church Property.

Sound Team
Our job is to have a heart for God, an ear for sound. Preparing and controlling the sound system for serving and meeting the needs of the church.
Light Team
“You are the light of the world.” Lighting is both a necessity and an enhancement to the overall atmosphere. In lighting operations, a person can continue to expand reach and impact for Christ in various ways.

Photography Team
God created us in his own image. Photography ministry takes pictures that record the image of children of God. Pictures remind us about God’s love for people and all creation. Pictures can help people apply the gospel in their physical and spiritual daily life.
Recording Movie
“God will render to every man according to his works.” Everything we do on earth, every second in every place is kept in heaven like movie. Videos help record and archive activities of the church through motion.

Live Stream
To publish the messages during the Church service in video and audio formats connects to Christians as members of the one Body of Christ and introduce individuals to Jesus Christ as the Savior.

Movie Editor
Edits videos with trim, crop, zoom, cut, and splitting skills and exports to Church’s web, YouTube, Facebook.

Organic Produce
God made everything and saw it was good, but the world has been damaged in ways that affect every living thing. The Organic Vegetable group will help us have a safer and healthier perspective. Join us to grow organic food and have fundraising events for Church Events.
Sports Team
To create a community outreach of God’s grace encouraging seekers and believers to participate in recreation and sports activities which strengthen their spiritual, physical, and social well-being.

Translator Team
Translate from English to Vietnamese and Vietnam to English. Help the Church’s members and visitors so they can understand the message and participate fully in the Church’s activities.
Decorative Team
Brings us closer to God and enjoying fellowship together by enhancing the physical appearance of the church. We organize events to use our gifts and energy to clean, organize, and decorate beautifying the church for activities.

Baptism Class
Water baptism is intended for the individual who has received the saving benefits of Christ’s atoning work and who has become His disciple, desiring to share what God has done, and committed to grow in a relationship with Jesus Christ.
I Am New
The new is here if anyone is in Christ; life will change forever by Jesus and the Church helping you live your best life. Join us for any of these opportunities to follow and grow in the knowledge of our Lord the Savior!

Data Collection
Gathering and measuring information from a variety of sources enables people to send email and answer relevant questions.
Social Network
Creating social media accounts and following up on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.allows sharing God’s Word, good news, and Church Events.
Language Editor
Making revisions of Church’s documents, focusing on improving the accuracy of English or Vietnamese language, correcting errors and making words and sentences clearer, more precise, and more effective advances communication.

Second Generation Ministry
Second Generation Fellowship is links of generations that exists to bring people to Jesus and make disciples in Christ like maturity, equipping the next generation for life mission in the world to magnify God’s name.
Prison's Ministry
"I was in prison and you came to visit me … I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” Every life matters; there is hope for the broken life to be restored when any person responds to God’s call.

Online Campus Ministry
Church Online at Vietnamese Church is a global Christian community experiencing God and connecting with one another. You have found a place to encounter God anywhere in the world. This is an opportunity to build relationships with people around the globe.
Financial Coaching Ministry
We provide the biblical coaching in a variety of financial areas. Learn how control your money, paying off debt, setting a budget or managing your finances in a God-honoring way. We provide sound, biblical coaching. These coaches look at each situation with fresh eyes and prayerfully endeavor to bring biblical clarity, wisdom, and encouragement to you.

Agape Ministry
We fill our heart with God’s love, expressing love to helping others. The more we give the more we receive, and we want to help others by bringing hope, love, and purpose through knowing Christ.
New Church Ministry
Matthew 16:18, “On this rock, I will build my church and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it.” What is God’s plan for church growth? The church is not a building, it is people who love God and know God’s love. A Christian needs to share Jesus’s message; a Church needs to encourage and produce other Churches.

Spiritual Growth Class
God changes us in the process of growing in our spiritual formation affecting the way we live. We learn and apply to grow spiritual ideas each day and continue to become more like Jesus though studying God’s Word.
Basic Doctrine Class
Study of doctrine will help us identify, understand, believe, explain, and apply basic doctrines of the gospel in studying the scriptures to strengthen our testimonies and increase our spiritual life.

English Second Language Class
Shows the love of Jesus and care for others by helping individuals with the practical needs of learning English. Time helping at ESL classes works with individuals facing practical needs like preparing to take Driver License Test and advancing opportunities in education and employment.

Web Developer
Creating a professional website for Church and maintaining that website tells visitors about the mission and vision of the church while engaging in connecting with others, ministries, and events through e-mail newsletters, social networking, and online fundraising.
SEAN Class
STUDY BY EXTENSION FOR ALL NATIONS class to help the people of God in and for: Evangelism, Discipleship, Leadership, Ministry, Mission, and Church-planting.

Citizenship Class
Helping in these classes aids individuals in preparing to take the US citizenship test and helps them to understand their citizenship in heaven too!

Services Setup
Simply prepare for church services by arranging chairs, lights, stage, and instruments helps create an inviting and effective environment.

Vietnamese Class
As the national language, learning it will help you to communicate with Vietnamese. It can also give you a better understanding of Vietnamese culture and society.

Income Tax Ministry
To provide tax return help church members who are going through a financial hardship and need help with tax preparation.

Starter a Group
We are excited you are ready to HOST a Small Group with your friends! when you
Open heart for people
Open your home or workplace
Open your shelves for snack
Open your Bible

Good Neighbor
Good Neighbor takes the principle of "love your neighbor" and puts it into action through various projects aimed at assisting our neighbors in Henrico county

Accounting Team
Our purpose is to be good stewards of the tithes and offerings we receive. We take every precaution to ensure that giving is processed accurately and with the utmost confidentiality.

Evangelism Organization Ministry
To prepare facilities and place to organize evangelism and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ, through events and media

Family & Marriage
Restored and enriched marriages and families which glorify God; to build up happy families and a strong faith community in God's purpose..